We brought the party with us today... Getting ready for procedures
Thank you to The Rocks Family, Nicole Wyatt, Allyson Wamble, Jeanette Dziegielewski, Sadie Klingenberg, Laura Buchanan, The Wauconda Boosters Club, The Moenning Family and the Prayer Quilt Ministry at Joy Lutheran Church for the notes, warm wishes and care packages.
We absolutely love getting mail and hearing from everyone ... it is by far the highlight of our day and we are so appreciative of the time and efforts you put forth to let us know we are not forgotten.
Thank you Mrs. Spada... Lexie WILL keep sparkling! xoxo
Thank you to Mission Dolly Blankets of First United Methodist Church in Franklin, TN! We are so grateful for all your prayers represented in each knot tied on the beautiful blankets. Your prayers mean everything to us and we are counting on them to carry us through! Much love...
Thank you to The Fitzgerald Family for your kindness... And for some decorations for Lexies wall!
Thank you to Brian and Marg Hays for your endless prayers and words of encouragement... All your notes have been such a blessing to us. And we WILL be having a pizza party in the very near future! Thank you!
Thank you to LFHS Student Council for the very special gift for Lexie! She is planning her hours of gaming and fighting her dad for the controls! Your thoughtfulness will keep her busy during the endless days when we are couped up in our apartment! Thank you for your love, prayers and generosity!
I can't imagine fighting this battle alone ... it takes an army and you guys are the most amazing support we could have ever hoped for!
Spinal tap and bone marrow aspiration went smoothly today. No results until Monday ... Please continue to pray for healthy bone marrow and for every cancerous cell to die.
Lexie has done well today, a little nausea and feeling wiped out but considering what her body has been through in the past 4 weeks it's expected.
Steve and the girls got here this morning and YES ... Mabel, our cat came too! Lexie couldn't be happier! Kali and Lexie's friend Lauren are busy putting up pictures and decorating Lexie's room as I type. Steve and Lexie are playing video games, Mack and I are playing battleship and for the first time in awhile I feel a small sense of normalcy and it feels amazing!
Wishing Lindsay and Taylor were here too! We are so grateful for so many things this thanksgiving including your willingness to stand with us, hold us up and carry us when we are weak. We are looking forward to a week off of chemo as we gear up to be admitted again a week from Friday.
Praying you each have a wonderful Thanksgiving and are shown rich blessing from above.
Love you all so much! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! xoxo

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