Praising God tonight that He is omnipresent! There is so much need around us, I can't even comprehend the burden He must feel and carry. But I can rest knowing He is big enough, He is able and His grace is sufficient.
Lexie had an ok day. She is feeling miserable from the high dose steroids... 2 weeks down and 2 to go. Not only do they make you irritable, but they make you have totally irrational food cravings 24/7. She is so bloated from food and steroids, her abdomen is rock hard and it's not muscular. Poor thing... I feel so horrible for her.
"Father God please remove Lexies insatiable food cravings, lay Your hand on her stomach and move things through her gut to provide comfort. Lord, please decompress her belly over night and bring her relief when she awakes. Jesus continue to breath life into Lexie, healing every cell in her body and commanding every cancerous cell to perish. This is NOT cancers home. This is a child of God. This was not your design for her body. God we boldly ask you, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, for Your healing hand to restore Lexie's body to your original and perfect design for her. We love you Jesus and we praise you for your unconditional love for us."
We got the results of Mack's liver MRI which was labelled as "stable". That in and of itself was awesome but I couldn't help but fixate on the words surrounding the "2 larger lesions appear smaller in size" and "the other smaller lesions were difficult to visualize"! Praise God! "Lord please continue your work in Mackenzie and restore her liver to perfect health. Continue to shrink those liver lesions until they are GONE. We believe in your healing power through the blood that was shed on the cross for us and in Your Holy and precious Name. Amen."
My dad arrived in town tonight after many flight delays due to bad weather. Steve and Kali are coming down Friday, and Mack is with us for the week.
Lexie is so excited about her friends coming to visit her too this weekend.
Pray for Lexie to be well enough to thoroughly enjoy her friends and that we get discharged as planned on Saturday morning so they can all hang out at the apartment together and feel somewhat normal. What is normal anyway?!?
Thanks again for sticking by our side and walking this path with us. It is beyond words that could describe how good it feels to have an army with us. And to have people care about the trials we go through.
We love you all more than you know!

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