Thank you Adrienne Fitzgerald for the gift of a smile (and the care package too!).
Much love!
We are celebrating a good day! Lexie attended 2 hours of school at the hospital this afternoon and was begging for steak when she was done. How do you say "no" to that?!? This is the most awake she has been in the past week. Thank you Father! And thank you Conner Rhodes for what has now become Lexie's favorite beanie! — at J Alexanders
Heading to the hospital tomorrow bright and early for an 8:00am appointment in clinic.
Lexie's NOT thrilled about getting up early... mornings are rough for her. No chemo scheduled for tomorrow, just a check in to see how things are going since being discharged on Saturday. Its frustrating because just about the time she is starting to feel better... she gets knocked down again by chemo. Friday she will be in Day Hospital for vincristine and daunorubicin ... last dose of dauno for this phase of treatment.
She will have a spinal tap and get methotrexate in her spine as well as a bone marrow aspiration next Wednesday at 6:30am to see how the cancer is responding to treatment (the Wednesday before Thanksgiving - BIG PRAYERS!).
Please join us in rising up in prayer and pleading for clean marrow, that every cancerous cell in her body would perish! That will complete her induction phase of treatment and then we enter consolidation with the dreaded ARA-C for which she will be hospitalized again.
Its so hard going back when you get a taste of freedom! We are incredibly grateful to be at the apartment. Today Lexie said "I feel so content, I'm so glad we got this apartment." She has been such a trooper! Of course, she also said "it feels like I have 2 elephants stepping on my knees" referring to her bone and joint pain and "it appears a Jaguar attacked my face" referring to the scratches on her face from her sensitive skin. Thats our Letti!
Overall today was a really good day and we give thanks to God for His constant care over us.
I got word last week from Lindsay's cardiology team that she may postpone her heart surgery that was scheduled for December 15th as long as she doesn't have any fainting episodes or dizziness. I'm relieved I don't have to worry about being in two places at once.
Please pray that Lindsay's heart would remain stable... we're hoping she can hold off 'til summer to have her surgery. Steve said, "I'm a little disappointed we cancelled the surgery... I just want to get all the crap in our lives over with."
I know the feeling. I'm working on scheduling Mackenzie's cataract surgery... shooting for spring break. Still no word on our appeals process with insurance for her growth hormone.
Please continue to pray for those details to be worked out. Asking God to approve the appeal for us!
Thanks again for all the creative ways you have come up with to support us through this process... I don't know what we would do without all of you, but I do know it would be miserable!
Much love to you all and thanks for ALL you do!!!!!

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