Today we are grateful for a quiet weekend and the last dose of ARA-C ... until next month anyway.
So thankful Lexie continues to feel well without fevers. Amen!
School has been a very positive experience for her, Lexie ADORES her teachers. She has two teachers that meet with her daily at the hospital and she actually looks forward to going!!! We are so thankful for the investment they are making in Lexie's life, not only academically but also socially and emotionally. What an incredible blessing they are to her!
My dad, Taylor and Mackenzie are coming down this evening and we are stoked to have company.
Still waiting to hear about Mackenzie's appeal to the insurance company for growth hormone, tomorrow she has more thyroid labs ordered.
Lindsay's heart surgery will be Thursday afternoon. Still no time slot but sounds like she will be last case so late in the day Thursday. Continued prayers that God would orchestrate timing and a room for Lindsay. Apparently the hospital is so full that she will most likely go to the adult hospital post op. It makes me feel uneasy because medical care in the adult world is completely different than pediatrics and it's generally not for the better.
Asking God in advance to choose a room and a team of competent doctors and nurses to provide Lindsay with the best possible care wherever she ends up post-op. Now just trusting in His care and waiting to see how it all unfolds.
Please pray for all the details surrounding Lindsay's and Lexie's care.
Thank you to the Burkhalter family for the goodies that arrived today! I'm stealing the chocolate!
And thank you to each and every one of you who goes before the throne of our Savior interceding on our behalf.
Your prayers are the greatest gift possible!

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