The days are moving along and going by faster now that we are into a routine here in Cincinnati.
I can't believe we have been here 7 weeks already! Not that I want to "lose" time, but sometimes I wish I could fast forward a little. I'm anxious to get through next week.
Having the tangible "unknowns" hanging over us never feels good, but I try to remind myself that we are no different than anyone else. Tomorrow is not a guarantee for anyone. Because of all our "in your face" realities", we've been intentional about looking for the blessings in each day. We would have missed out on so many blessings, blown by them without notice or acknowledgment, overlooked them without appreciation and never soaked up all the things God has given us had we just been busy "doing" life in an ordinary fashion. We see things from an eternal perspective, and it changes everything. I am grateful for that gift.
My devotional today read:
"Hope for what you do not see; eagerly wait for it with perseverance. Among the five senses, sight is often the one that people value the most. I created the world gloriously beautiful, and I want you to appreciate beauty when you see it. However, even more beneficial than sight is hope, which is itself a kind of vision. It enables you to see - through the eyes of your heart - things that are not yet. Train the eyes of your heart to "see" these blessings, while praying for My will to be done. Discipline yourself to wait eagerly - with your focus on Me and the longed-for outcome. Remain hopeful and expectant as you wait with with perseverance."
Please continue to pray for protection over both Lindsay and Lexie.
Please continue to pray for protection over both Lindsay and Lexie.
Specifically pray that Lexie will remain fever free and be protected from all infections. And that Lindsay's surgery would be minimally invasive, that doctors would be able to easily access her pacer wires without too much dissection and that God would be in control of her heart rhythms, squeezing each beat with His righteous right hand allowing her heart to rest and heal.
A very special thank you to Wauconda Grade School staff and students for all their efforts in making the Bell Fundraiser such a big success. I continue to have difficulty finding the words to say Thank You! We are so grateful for your love and support!
Also, want to thank Heidi Shor for the good laugh! I was forced to tell the gummy bear story yet again! Lexie is totally fired up about the book and has been reading ever since it arrived.
Thank you Emi Kopke for the cute care package but we are even more grateful for the amazing words you wrote. Your letter meant so much to me and Lexie, honestly!
Thank you to Jacob Moore for yummy snacks and his girlfriend for the great artwork for Lexie's walls which we've already hung!
Thanks to the Childhood Leukemia Foundation for the care and support they provide to children across the country. You make a difference!
And thank you to our Great God who's grace is sufficient, who loves us more than we could fathom, who infinitely knows and understands our circumstances and who's faithfulness has withstood the test of time.
We are blessed beyond measure!

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