And the puking continues ... amazingly when Lexies not bent over the toilet her appetite is still pretty good and she's able to eat and drink to keep herself hydrated.
So, so glad to have a break from the leg shots for awhile. Had labs drawn today and Lexies blood counts were not good enough to start chemo tomorrow so her scheduled was pushed back a week.
As bummed as we were to have her schedule adjusted we were excited to get the green light to head home for a week of recovery.
Please pray for healing of Lexies bone marrow and protection from all infections.
So, so glad to have a break from the leg shots for awhile. Had labs drawn today and Lexies blood counts were not good enough to start chemo tomorrow so her scheduled was pushed back a week.
As bummed as we were to have her schedule adjusted we were excited to get the green light to head home for a week of recovery.
Please pray for healing of Lexies bone marrow and protection from all infections.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We're home!

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