So I checked in on Lindsay this morning ... This is how our conversation went ...
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"Anaphylaxis is fun", said no one ever!
Our day started off great, Lexie had a cocktail of drugs and was cracking us up talking about birds that were supposed to paint the walls for money but put up wallpaper instead, being on a pirate ship and setting sail for 3 months, having 6 fingers, thinking the staff was harvesting her organs and her husband that died, but she couldn't talk about it. We successfully avoided the anticipatory nausea and vomiting with mind altering drugs, but couldn't avert the anaphylactic reaction to PEG.
Lexie went from a mild scratch to burning skin, to coughing/ vomiting, wheezing, throat swelling, oxygen, epinephrine, Benadryl, Atarax and steroids within a matter of seconds.
It was a flurry of activity and needless to say, she was scared feeling like she was going to die. I now need that cocktail of drugs Lexie had this morning to wind down!
So thankful for God's constant care, the quick team of doctors and nurses and a positive response to treatment.
We are home! Please pray for a quiet, restful night.
Tomorrow is moving day and we will need our energy! Below you can see how our day started, and how it ended. You just never know what the day will bring in this crazy world of oncology.
Keep PUSHing and PULLing!
Be strong. I know its hard and sometimes painful. But you really do have such an amazing outlook on it all. Your whole family has been through soo much. Cancer truly sucks....I have had it but at the moment I am at no signs of active disease.