We all got a good night sleep last night. It has been a very busy day. People constantly coming and going. Tons of bloodwork, echocardiogrm, ultrasound of ovaries to watch fertility issues, depo shot to stop her period so we don't have to worry about bleeding when platelets are low. Lots of things that we didn't have to worry about when Mack was going through treatment. Working with school to get thing coordinated for her work. Still trying to figure out housing but looking into renting an apartment.
We just got the news the Lexie's bone marrow is clean. Praising God for perfectly healthy bone marrow!!!! Still waiting on spinal fluid results.
Lexie has had a rough morning being poked and prodded and was vomiting. She will be getting two chemo's this afternoon. Please pray specifically for NO nausea or vomiting and that she can continue to enjoy food! We are beyond grateful for all your love and prayers! Thank you so much for continuing to support us through all the many ways help has been orchestrated. Hospital staff has already made several comments about the amazing team of support we have around us. It made an impact on the staff when we were here with Mack.
We love you all! More later...
Super busy day all day.
Lexie is just finishing her chemo now. It was a rough one with several bouts of puking. Really not much more to share, still waiting on spinal fluid results.
Spoke with the social worker today, still trying to figure out housing. My mom's flight was cancelled due to weather so she will be flying in tomorrow.
Please continue to pray for relief from all the nasty side effects that comes along with this course of treatment. Looking forward to waking up to God's new mercies and praying for a peaceful nights rest.
Specific prayers for encouragement for Lexie. She's feeling down and super annoyed with people constantly asking her questions and "bugging" her. Today she said, "I hate having chemicals in my body, it makes me feel dirty."
Thats our Letti! haha. More tomorrow.
Can't stop the tears from flowing.
Lexie has been violently ill and like Mackenzie, nothing seems to be helping to curb the nausea and vomiting. I sat on the floor in the bathroom holding her hair and rubbing her back so desperately wanting to take this away from her.
And then I began thinking about the child in the room next to us that appears to be slipping away. There has been a steady flow... of family and friends coming to say their last goodbye.
I told Lexie that family would give anything to be in her shoes. She asked if we could pray for them and we sat in bed sobbing, crying out to our Great God for a child we will never know.
If you happen to see this message tonight or if God wakes please cover us in prayer. It's a tough night full of emotion.